miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

why do we get so little?

Hello there. Recently I came to realize that on "The Following", there's a MFM (which stands for Male/Female/Male) couple. And I'm glad that the LGBT community is getting more and more exposure. However, I also came to the realization that for the most part (including the show that I just mentioned) is very little.

Most of those shows portray the classical bisexual guy who, at the end of the movie or the show, ends up picking (guess who?) the opposite sex. I've seen this trend in shows not so politically correct, so, that couldn't be the reason behind that move. I think it has to do more with the ratings. And so, here comes the question: why do we get so little?

Why, people, why? You know, almost ten years ago I was a teenager trying to figure out who I was and who I liked and it was difficult because I didn't have any source of information to help me, until internet came along. On the internet, it was really easy to find information about the different sexual orientations and once, I remember I was even able to chat with a psychologist online. It was amazing. For the first time, I felt like I wasn't alone or that I wasn't some kind of freak show.

Usually I find myself really wanting the two guys to end up together, or the plot to have a gay twist, or that a very famous same-sex couple on an daily t.v. show (a.k.a. Nuke) is going to get physical without being so damn taboo. However, most of the time, I end up being disappointed and really frustrated. Sometimes I feel like I'll never feel satisfied in this sense. Back to "The following", the whole concept that the show brings, seems to be very original and I'm not only talking about the love triangle that revolves around a bisexual guy, but making a show about acolytes who look up to and worship a serial killer.

And here's when it gets senseless. All this new concept, all this homoerotic moments (not only involving "the gay couple" but the followed serial killer and his acolytes) not to mention that the executive producer is gay and probably has felt the same way all this years about the exposure of the LBGT community in the media and may also share the same fantasies that we do, for a show that lately has ended up being so predictable.

I don't like to use this expression but straight people get to watch themselves having sex all the freaking time. But us, we have to wait for a special channel, a special show, a tragedy that brings awareness about the difficulties of being different (and I'm not only talking about sexuality) and eventually a special story-line that is as politically correct as a show featuring teenagers from the 90's. Somebody has to do something and soon.

P.S. In case you didn't notice, this is my very first post in English. I happen to be an English teacher and I want this article to be in the English speaking community and hopefully not to be the only one feeling this way. And yes, I'm team Paul all the way. I'll  do the Spanish version as soon as I can.

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